
apollinaire is a Python implementation of helio- and asteroseismic MCMC peakbagging methods. You will find here all the necessary tools in order to analyse the acoustic oscillations of your favourite solar-like star.

The source code is hosted on a GitLab repository and is still in development. To find more details on the power spectrum modelling framework used by apollinaire, you can take a look at Breton et al. (2022).

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Why naming a peakbagging code apollinaire ?#

Among the most famous French-language poets, Guillaume Apollinaire chose his pseudonym (which is actually one of his many middle names) as a reference to Apollo, Greek god of the Sun and light. Asteroseimology being often metaphorically refered as a discipline devoted to elucidating the music of the Sun and stars, the present module is named as a tribute to one of the greatest musician of words of the XXth century.

Et je cherche au ciel constellé
Où sont nos étoiles jumelles
Mon destin au tien est mêlé
Mais nos étoiles où sont-elles ?
Guillaume Apollinaire
Poèmes à Lou