Computing Bayes factors

Computing Bayes factors#

This tutorial explains how to use the bayes_factor function provided with the package in order to assess the quality of the p-mode fits performed with apollinaire.

WARNING: You must have run the first_steps.ipynb (Quickstart tutorial) notebook before running the code in this tutorial (in order to create the hdf5 files that will be used to compute the Bayes factors).

import apollinaire as apn
import apollinaire.timeseries as timeseries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import importlib.resources

First, we have to read again the data used to perform the fit. We also need to read the a2z DataFrame that apollinaire created at the end of the MCMC process.

f = importlib.resources.path (timeseries, 'kplr006603624_52_COR_filt_inp.fits')
with f as filename :
    hdu = (filename) [0]
data = np.array (
t = data[:,0]
v = data[:,1]
dt = np.median (t[1:] - t[:-1]) * 86400
freq, psd = apn.psd.series_to_psd (v, dt=dt, correct_dc=True)
freq = freq*1e6
psd = psd*1e-6
back = np.loadtxt ('background.dat')
df_a2z = apn.peakbagging.read_a2z ('modes_param.a2z')

The Bayes factor is computed considering pairs of modes, even \(\ell = \{0,2\}\) or odd \(\ell = \{1,3\}\). Let’s extract from the DataFrame the mode orders on which we performed the fit.

aux_o = df_a2z.loc[(df_a2z[1]!='a')&(df_a2z[0]!='a')&((df_a2z[1]=='0')|(df_a2z[1]=='1')), 0].astype (np.int_)
orders = np.unique (aux_o)

We now have to loop over the orders to compute the Bayes factor for each pair of modes.

bf_array = np.zeros ((orders.size*4, 3))

for ii, n in enumerate (orders) :
    psw, ps, p0, _, = apn.peakbagging.bayes_factor (freq, psd, back, df_a2z,
                                                    n, strategy='order', l02=True,
                                                    size_window=40, thin=5,
                                                    discard=400, instr='geometric',
                                                    hdf5Dir='.', add_ampl=True,

    lnKsw, lnKs = apn.peakbagging.compute_lnK (psw, ps, p0)
    bf_array[ii*4,:] = n, 0, lnKs
    bf_array[ii*4+1,:] = n-1, 2, lnKsw

    psw, ps, p0, _, = apn.peakbagging.bayes_factor (freq, psd, back, df_a2z,
                                                    n, strategy='order', l02=False,
                                                    size_window=40, thin=5,
                                                    discard=400, instr='geometric',
                                                    hdf5Dir='.', add_ampl=True,

    lnKsw, lnKs = apn.peakbagging.compute_lnK (psw, ps, p0)
    bf_array[ii*4+2,:] = n, 1, lnKs
    bf_array[ii*4+3,:] = n-1, 3, lnKsw
Window width: 40.0 muHz
100%|██████████| 20480/20480 [00:46<00:00, 443.67it/s]
Window width: 40.0 muHz
100%|██████████| 20480/20480 [00:43<00:00, 471.46it/s]
Window width: 40.0 muHz
100%|██████████| 20480/20480 [00:43<00:00, 468.05it/s]
Window width: 40.0 muHz
100%|██████████| 20480/20480 [00:43<00:00, 472.39it/s]
Window width: 40.0 muHz
100%|██████████| 20480/20480 [00:40<00:00, 501.57it/s]
Window width: 40.0 muHz
100%|██████████| 20480/20480 [00:42<00:00, 477.23it/s]
Window width: 40.0 muHz
100%|██████████| 20480/20480 [00:46<00:00, 440.76it/s]
Window width: 40.0 muHz
100%|██████████| 20480/20480 [00:46<00:00, 440.52it/s]
Window width: 40.0 muHz
100%|██████████| 20480/20480 [00:42<00:00, 476.63it/s]
Window width: 40.0 muHz
100%|██████████| 20480/20480 [00:46<00:00, 443.85it/s]

Let’s display the results. Having \(\ln K = \infty\) means that all tested models were favoured against H0 (and \(\ln K = \infty\) means that H0 was favoured against every tested model).

quality = pd.DataFrame (data=bf_array[:,2],
                        index=pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays (np.transpose (bf_array[:,:2].astype (np.int_))),
                        columns=['ln K'])

display (quality)
ln K
18 0 inf
17 2 inf
18 1 inf
17 3 -inf
19 0 inf
18 2 inf
19 1 inf
18 3 inf
20 0 inf
19 2 inf
20 1 inf
19 3 -1.972969
21 0 inf
20 2 inf
21 1 inf
20 3 inf
22 0 inf
21 2 inf
22 1 inf
21 3 -0.004883